e66b89da511f50e6be0fc07f6b2b47f7 Pink Floyd - The happiest days

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The happiest days
of our lives mp3
gtr. 1 (w/delay) PM throughout
we grew up and went to school
There were cer - tain teachers who would
Hurt the children an-y- way they
could "Oof!" By
pouring their derision Upon anything we did Ex-
pos-ing ev- 'ry weakness How - ever carefully hidden by the
kids [laughing]
But in the
town it was well known When they got
home at night, their fat and Psy - cho -
pathic wives would thrash them Within
gtr. 2 (w/dist.)
inches of their lives Ooh ooh ooh Ooh ooh ooh
Ooh ooh ooh Ooh ooh ooh Ooh ooh ooh
Ooh ooh ooh Ooh [Scream]
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