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INTRO: Play 2X
If the G notes (6th string 3 fret) are too hard to play
Hit it once to start the riff Im not sure if this note is
bass or guitar.
Play this
Verse (Riff 1) going into
w/riff 1
Far, far, far, far away, way
People heard him say, say
"I will find a way, way
There will come a day, day
Something will be done"
Cm Fm
Then at last the mighty ship descending on a point of flame
Cm Dm A Ab
Made contact with the human race at Mildenhall
w/riff 1
Now, now, now is the time, time
Time to be, be, be aware
Cm Fm
Carter's father saw it there and knew the Rhull revealed to him
Cm Dm A Ab
The living soul of Hereward the Wake
w/riff 1
Oh my, something in my eye, eye
Something in the sky, sky
Waiting there for me
The outer lock rolled slowly back
The servicemen were heard to sigh
Cm Dm A Ab
For there revealed in flowing robes was Lucy in the sky
w/riff 1
Oh, oh, did you ever?
No, no, never will they
I'll say!
Summoning his cosmic powers
And glowing slightly from his toes
Cm Dm A Ab
His psychic emanations flowed.
Cm Fm Dm A Ab
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