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Atom Heart Mother
(2 вариант)
Em (with something like [Em, G, Bm, D, Em](?) sometimes)
Em, G, F, C; Em, G, F, C (main theme)
Em, G, A, B; Em, G, F, F
(chromatic between E and C with horses and motorcycle effects)
Em, G, F, C; Em, G, F, C (main theme)
Em, G, A, B; Em, G, F, F

b. Breast Milky
(Em, Am, G, Bm; Abm, Bb, Eb, [Am, B]) x2: organ & Viola
(Em, Am, G, Bm; Abm, Bb, Eb, [Am, B]) x3: slide guitar solos
*: Dave Ward put a Bdim in place of G in those themes, I
definitly not agree as organ arpegians are pretty clear,
but I'm nobody's boss...
c. Mother Fore
(Em, Em, Em, Am) x4: Inst
(Em, Em, Em, [Am, Asus4]) x16 enter falsetto "ooh" vocals
(Am (D/A), Am7 (D/A)) x2
Em, Em, Em, Am, Em, Em, Em, Em
(Am (D/A), Am7 (D/A)) x2
(Em, Em, Em, [Am, Asus4]) x10
(Am (D/A), Am7 (D/A)) x2
Em, Em, Em, Am, Em, Em, Em, Em
(Am (D/A), Am7 (D/A)) x2
(Em, Em, Em, Am) x18: enters second choir
(Am (D/A), Am7 (D/A)) x2 enter full drums
Em, Em, Em, Am, Em, Em, Em, Em
(Am (D/A), Am7 (D/A)) x2
Em, Em, Em, Am, Em, Em, Em, Em
(Am (D/A), Am7 (D/A)) x2
Em, Em, Em, Am, Em, Em, Em, Em
(Am (D/A), Am7 (D/A)) x2
(Em, Em, Em, Am) x3
Em, Em, Em, Em
d. Funky Dung
(Gm, C) x 4 (funky section, a la Any Colour You Like)
(Gm, C) x 16 guitar solo
(Gm, C) x 8 keyboard solo
(Gm, C) x 10 choir reenters (emphasis only on beat 2)
G, G, F, F, C, C, B7, B7
Em, G, F, C; Em, G, F, C (main theme)
Em, G, A, B; Em, G, F, F
e. Mind Your Throats Please
hypnotic organ
siren sound-alike orchestra
Spoken words: "Here is a loud announcement"
f. Remergence
previous parts mixed, please don't ask me.
Spoken words: "Silence in the studio!"
Em, G, F, C; Em, G, F, C (main theme)
Em, G, A, B; Em, G, F, F
(Em, Am, G, Bm; Abm, Bb, Eb, [Am, B]) x2 organ & viola
(Em, Am, G, Bm; Abm, Bb, Eb, [Am, B]) x3 slide guitar solos
Em, G, F, C; Em, G, F, C (main theme With vocals)
Em, G, A, B; Em, G, [F#, G, Em, Bb; B, B/F#, B, B/F#]:
fast changes
Em, G, F, C; Em, G, F, C (main theme)
Em, G, A, B; Em, G, F, F
F (ad lib coda)

Biding my time
G--10------------------------------------------ REPEAT
*Let ring

Wasting my time, resting my mind
And I'll never pine
For the sad days and the bad days
When we was workin' from nine to five
And if you don't mind
I'll spend my time
Here by the fire side
In the warm light of her eyes
And if you don't mind
I'll spend my time
Here by the fire side
In the warm light of her eyes
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